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Ivana Ljubas 30

''Per aspera ad astra''

I was born 31.10.1985 in Livno (Bosnia and Herzegovina). I started to play handball very late, at age of 14. I was ''discoverd'' from a man named Željko Luleđija. He saw me playing football with friends in school and told me: '' You must be a handballplayer!''.

Honestly, I didn't even knew what handball was and just answered: ''Well, I don't know.''

A few months later, since it was bad weather outside and I was bored , I decided to give him and HANDBALL a chance, so I went to a training. 

Since that day handball became a passion, a way of life and my biggest advature. 

Thank you Željko...


Beside handball i discovered one more passion. At age of 27 I started to study Marketing and  a few exams to go and I will get my bachelor. Very happy and proud about that !  




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